Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Getting Rid of Ants With Two Common Household Foods.

Though you may not know it, both rice (can be minute rice minute rice) and cream of wheat will get rid of ants. What happens is, they take it back to their nest and when they eat it it expands and literally blows them up to the point of death. So basically it is death by rice or cream of wheat for ants. :)  Remember to put it out on a dry day so it does not get wet and expand on its own least it will not work as well.

Happy gardening :)

Monday, June 24, 2013

Very pleased to be back, I have done both templates for both blogs...For this blog I have use my own photography as a template and plan on adding more of my photography in smaller versions.If  You like I can certainly sell the larger version which is more than poster size. I will also now be posting new tips.

So tip for the day:
Windex will kill earwigs in your garden and house! And no I am not advertising or promoting Windex because any glass cleaner would do that contains ammonia including no name brands.I hate earwigs, dreadful bugs...If you find the white ones kill them immediately for they are the queens.

Friday, March 08, 2013

The agreed supreme walks before the pretended governor.


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