Tuesday, January 04, 2005

Medicinal Qualities of Common Plants

Well I decided to do something different rather then tips today.
I am posting the medicinal qualities of common plants which is actaully rather interesting.
Tommorrow I will be back with more tips,I will more then likely be posting tips until I get this Biblical write up done. If nothing else I will have a lot of useful tips posted.

Medicinal Qualities of Common Plants

Almond. Oil and seeds.
Nerve tonic. Nutrient. Intestinal antiseptic.

Apple. Fruit.
Tonic. Laxative. Antiseptic. Digestive and Liver stimulant. Anti rheumatic agent. Cholesterol level lowerer.

Apricot. Oil and fruit.
Nutrient. Immune stimulant. Laxative

Artichoke. Flower heads.
Bile and digestive stimulant. Laxative. Heart and liver tonic

Beetroot. Root.
Nutrient. Lymph tonic

Bilberry. Fruit. Leaves.
Tonic. Antiseptic. Astringent.

Bitter Orange. Fruit. Peel. Oil.
Tonic. Antiseptic. Sedative. Anti bacterial. Expectorant

Anti rheumatic agent. Anti inflammatory. Anti bacterial. Liver decongestant

Carrot. Root. Leaves. Oil.
Nutrient. Tonic. Digestive tonic. Immune stimulant.

Celery. Seeds. Stems.
Anti rheumatic agent. Sedative. Antiseptic. Anti anaemic.

Chili Pepper. Fruit.
Anti bacterial. Antiseptic. Circulation and Gastric stimulant.

Cinnamon. Twigs. Inner bark.
Tonic. Antiseptic. Oil - Anti bacterial. Anti fungi.

Cloves. Flower buds.
Antiseptic. Mild Anaesthetic

Coffee. Beans.
Stimulant. Anti narcotic.

Cucumber. Fruit.
Cleansing agent. Anti Uric acid agent.

Fig. Fruit.
Laxative. Nutrient.

Garlic. Bulb.
Antibiotic. Anti parasitic. Anti histamine. Anti thrombotic. Expectorant. Reduces Cholesterol & Blood sugar levels.

Ginger. Root.
Antiseptic. Stimulant. Expectorant.

Grape. Leaves & fruit. Anti inflammatory. Astringent. Bile & Liver stimulant. Nerve & muscle tonic. Cleansing agent. Laxative.

Horseradish. Root.
Liver & digestive stimulant. Anti bacterial. Urinary antiseptic.

Leek. Leafs & stems.
Laxative. Antiseptic. Nerve tonic.

Lemon. Fruit & Oil.
Antiseptic. Anti bacterial. Anti histamine. Anti rheumatic. Anti inflammatory. Anti viral. Cleansing agent. Beneficial to Heart & blood vessels.

Digestive stimulant. Analgesic. Mild sedative & laxative.

Nutmeg. Seed.
Digestive & appetite stimulant. Anti inflammatory.

Anti Depressant. Nerve tonic. Anti rheumatic. Reduces Cholesterol levels. Anti thrombotic.

Olive. Fruit. Oil.
Laxative. Nutrient.

Onion. Bulb.
Anti bacterial. Anti inflammatory. Bile stimulant. Expectorant. Lowers blood sugar.

Parsley. Seed. Roots. Leaves. Oil.
Anti rheumatic. Laxative. Expectorant. Tonic. Stimulates menstrual flow.

Pear. Fruit.
Cleansing agent. Digestive stimulant. Laxative. Sedative.

Pineapple. Fruit.
Nutrient. Anti inflammatory. Digestive stimulant.

Potato. Tuber.
Nutrient. Digestive assistive.

Strawberry. Fruit. Leaves.
Cleansing agent. Laxative. Liver tonic.

Tomato. Fruit.
Digestive stimulant. Mild laxative.

Turnip. Root.
Tonic. Anti bacterial.

Walnut. Nut. Rind. Inner bark.
Anti inflammatory. Laxative. Reduces Cholesterol levels.

Watercress. Leaf. Stem.
Nutrient. Expectorant. Lowers blood sugar. Beneficial to blood, liver & gall bladder.

Wheat. Seeds. Stem. Husks.
Laxative. Tonic. Anti oxidant.

Well that is a wrap for today. I will be back tomorrow with some tips.
Happy gardening...

1 comment:

Elliott Broidy said...

This is wonderful information. I had no idea!


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