I have finally gotten my bibilical plants finished and am quite pleased. I have to admit out of all the write ups in which I have done this has most definately been the hardest, yet most fulfilling at the same time. It has given me the feeling of a sense of accomplishment and I hope everyone like it.
I have done my best by adding all the plants,however; I am only human,thus;I am quite certain there are probably some that I have missed. Regardless of this fact the list is rather extensive and will give a good read.
Plants of The Bible
Botanical Name: Aloe
Common Name: Aloe Vera
Biblical Name: Aloe
Format: Bulb/ Herb
Blooms: n/a
Scripture Reference: John 19:39
Botanical Name: Acornus Calamus
Common Name: Sweet Flag
Biblical Name: Cane
Format: Reed/corm/ Herb
Blooms: --
Scripture Reference: I Kgs. 10:10; Ex 30:23; Songs 4:14
Botanical Name: Allium Cepa
Common Name: Onion/Chives
Bibilical Name: Onion
Format: Bulb/Vegetable
Blooms: Spring/Summer
Scripture Reference:Numbers 11:5f
Botanical Name: Allium Porrun Var
Common Name: Leek
Bibilical name: Leek
Format: Bulb/ Vegetable
Scripture Reference: Numbers 11:5f
Botanical Name: Althaea Rosa
Common Name: Hollyhock
Biblical Name: Mallow
Format: Rootstock/ Flower/Herb
Blooms: All Summer
Scripture Reference: Job 6:6
Botanical Name: Anemone Coronaria
Common Name: Windflower
Biblical Name: Lily of the fields
Format: Bulb/Corm/ Flower
Blooms: Early spring only
Scripture Reference: Mt 6:28-30; Ps 60; Nhmh 1:1; Lk 12:27
Botanical Name: Anthemis Nobilis
Common Name: Chamomile
Biblical Name: Flowers of the fields
Format: Root/Herb
Blooms: July/August
Scripture Reference: Lk 12:28
Botanical Name: Anthemis species
Common Name: Chamomile
Bibilical Name:Chamomile
Format: Root/ Herb
Blooms: Spring/Summer
Scipture Reference: Isaiah 40:6, Isaiah 40:8
Botanical Name: Artemisia absinthium
Common Name: Wormwood, Silver mound
Biblical Name: Wormwood
Format: Root/PlantBlooms:n/a
Scripture Reference: Rev. 8:11, 28; Dt 29:18; Jer 23:15; Lam 3:15
Botanical Name: Brassica Nigra
Common Name: Mustard
Bibilical Name: Mustard
Format: Root/ Spice
Bloom: n/a
Scripture Reference: Matthew 17:20
Botanical Name: Buxus Sempervirens
Common Name: Common Box
Biblical Name: Box tree
Format: Bush/Shrub
Blooms: n/a
Scripture Reference: Isaiah 40:6; Peter 1:24-25; James 1:9-10
Botanical Name: Cedrus libani var. stencoma
Common Name: Cedar of Lebanon
Biblical Name: Cedar
Format: Tender deciduous/ Tree
Blooms: n/a
Scripture Reference: I Kgs 5; Num 24:6; Jdg 9:15; 2Sam 5:11 & 7:2; 1 Kgs 4:23; 6:9; 7:2; 9:11, 2Chron 2ff
Botanical Name: Centaurea
Common name: Cornflower, Bachelors button
Bibilical Name: The Ground
Format: Root/ Flower
Scripture Reference: Genesis 3:17b-18a
Botanical Name: Centaurea Myoskos
Common Name:Blue ball,Thistle
Bibilical Name: Thistle
Format: Root/ThornsScripture
Reference: Hosea 10:8
Botanical Name: Cercis canadiensis
Common Name: Eastern Redbud
Biblical Name: Judas tree; not actually called this, but legend holds that Judas hanged himself from this tree.
Format: deciduous/ TreeBlooms: 40-50°or Early spring
Scripture Reference: Matthew 27:5
Botanical Name: Chrysanthemum
Common Name: Mums, Hardy
Bibilical Name:The Flowers
Format: Root/ Flowers
Blooms: Fall
Scripture Reference: James 1:9-10
Botanical Name:Cichorium Intybus
Commom Name: Chicory
Bibilical Name: Bitter Herbs
Format: Root/ HerbBloom: Summer
Scripture Reference: Exodus 12:8
Botanical Name: Cicer Arietinum
Comman Name: Chick Pea
Bibilical Name:Provender
Format: Root/Vegetable
Bloom: Early Summer
Scripture Reference: Isaiah 30:24
Botanical Name: Cistus Ladanifer
Common Name: Gum Rockrose
Biblical Name: Myrrh
Format:Root/ Herb
Blooms: --
Scripture Reference: Genesis 37:25 & 43:11
Botanical Name: Coriandrum Sativum
Commom Name: Coriander
Biblical name: Coriander
Format: Root/ Herbs
Scripture Reference: Numbers 11:7
Botanical Name: Crocus nudiflorus
Common Name: Autumn Crocus
Biblical Name: Crocus
Format: Bulb/Flower
Blooms: October/ Flower
Scripture Reference: Song of Songs 4:14
Botanical Name: Crocus sativus
Common Name: Saffron
Biblical Name: Crocus
Format: Bulb
Blooms: November/ Flower
Scripture Reference: Song of Songs 4:14
Botanical Name: Crocus Sativum
Common Name: Crocus, Saffron
Biblical Name: Crocus
Format: Bulb
Blooms: April/ Flower
Scripture Reference: Isaiah 35:1
Botanical Name: Cuminum
Common Name: Cumin
Bibilical Name: Cumin
Format: Root/ Herb
Blooms: Late summer
Scripture Reference: Isaiah 28:24
Botanical Name: Cucumis melo x sweet'n'early
Common Name:Cantaloupe or Musk Melon
Biblical Name: MelonFormat: Root/Fruit
Blooms: July
Scripture Reference: Isaiah 1:8
Botanical Name: Cydonia Oblongata
Common Name: Common Quince
Biblical Name: Apples
Format: Deciduous/ Tree/ FruitBlooms: May/June
Scripture Reference: Song of Songs 2:3-5
Botanical Name: Cytissus preacox
Common Name: Broom, Scotch
Biblical Name: Broom Tree
Format: Decidous/Tree
Blooms: N/A
Scripture Reference: Kings 19:4
Botanical Name: Delphinium x cultorum
Common Name: Delphinium, Larkspur
Bibilical Name: Beautiful flowers
Format: Root/ Flower
Blooms: June/July
Scripture Reference: Luke 12:27
Botanical Name: Elaeagnus angustifolia
Common Name: Russian Olive
Biblical Name:Olivewood
Format: deciduous/ Tree/ Fruit
Blooms: May/June
Scripture Reference:Kings 6:31f
Botanical Name: Eruca Savita
Common Name: Argula, Rocket
Biblical Name: Unknown Herbs
Format: Root/Herb
Bloom: n/a
Scripture Reference: Kings 4:39-40
Botanical Name: Echinops Viscosus
Common Name: Thistle, Globe
Bibilical Name: Thorns Of The Wilderness
Format: Root/Flower/Herb
Bloom: July/August
Scripture Reference: Judges 8:7
Botanical Name: Galium verum
Common Name: Bedstraw
Biblical Name: Humble plants
Format: Roots/ Straw
Bloom: n/a
Scripture Reference:Luke 2:7
Botanical Name: Gossiipium herbaceum
Common Name: Cotton
Bibilical Name: Cotton Plant
Format: Roots/ cotton
Scripture Reference: Ester 1:5-6
Botanical Name: Hordeum vulgare
Common Name: Barley
Biblical Name: Barley
Format: Root/food
Bloom: july
Scripture Reference: John 6:9
Botanical Name: Iris Pseudacornus
Common Name: Iris, Yellow Flag
Biblical Name: --
Format: Bulb/flower
Blooms: spring
Fruit Time: n/a
Scripture Reference: --
Botanical Name: Juniperous Chinensis Columnaris
Common Name: Juniper, Columnar
Biblical Name: Cedar/ Cypress Timber
Format: Conifer/Tree
Blooms: n/a
Scripture Reference:1 Kings 9:11
Botanical Name: Juniperus Chinensis Phitzeriana
Common Name: Juniper, Phitzer's
Biblical Name: Fir trees
Format: Conifer/ Tree
Blooms: n/a
Scripture Reference: Psalm 104:17
Botanical Name: Juniperous Wiltoni
Common Name: Juniper, Blue Rug
Bibilical Name: Shrub
Format: conifer/Tree
Blooms: n/a
Scripture Reference: Jeremiah 17:5-6
Botanical Name: Laurus Nobilis
Common Name: Bay Laurel
Bibilical name: Holm Tree
Format: Deciduous/Tree
Blooms: n/a
Scripture Reference: Isaiah 44:9a,14
Botanical Name: Lilium Candidum
Common Name: Madonna Lily
Biblical Name: Lily
Format: Bulb/Flower
Blooms: June
Scripture Reference: Song of Songs 2:1-2
Botanical Name: Lens Culinaris
Common Name: Lentil
Biblical Name: Lentil
Format: Root/Vegetable
Blooms: n/a
Scripture Reference: Genesis 25:34
Botanical Name:Lupinus xRussell
Common Name: Lupine
Bibilical Name:Flower in the field
Format: Roots/Flower
Blooms: May
Scripture Reference: James 1:9-10
Botanical Name: Malva Moschata
Common Name: Mallow
Bibilical Name: Mallow
Format: Root/Flower/Herb
Blooms: July-August
Scripture Reference: Job 6:6
Botanical Name: Menthe spp
Common Name: Mint
Bibilical Name: Mint
Format: Root/Herb
Blooms: June
Scripture Reference: Luke 11:42
Botanical Name: Myrtus Communis Compacta
Common Name: Myrtle, Dwarf
Bibilical Name: Myrtle
Format: Root/shrub
Blooms: July
Scripture Reference: Nehemiah 8:15
Botanical Name: Narcissus Tazetta
Common Name: Daffodil
Bibilical Name: Grass of the field
Format: Bulb/Flower
Blooms: April
Scripture Reference: Matthew 6:30
Botanical Name: Nigella Sativa
Common Name: Cumin,Love-in-a-mist,Nigella
Bibilical Name: Cumin
Format: Roots/Flower/Herb
Blooms: June/July
Scripture Reference: Isaiah 28:27
Botanical Name:Nymphaea Lotus
Common Name: Water Lily
Bibilical Name: Lily work
Format: Bulb/Flower
Blooms: June/July
Scripture Reference: Kings 7:19
Botanical Name: Origanum Hirtum Orheracleoticum
Common Name: Oregano, Greek
Bibilical Name: Blood
Format: Root/Herb
Blooms: August
Scripture Reference: Exodus 12:23
Botanical Name: Orinthogalum Pentendra
Common Name: Star of Bethlehem, Dove's Dung
Biblical Name: Dove's Dung
Format: Bulbs/Flower
Blooms: May/June
Scripture Reference: 2Kings 6:25
Botanical Name: Papaver species
Common Name: Poppy
Biblical Name: Flower in the field
Format: Roots/ flower/seeds
Blooms: May/June
Scripture Reference: Isaiah 40:6-40:8
Botanical Name:Phoenix Dactylifera
Common Name: Palm, Date
Bibilical Name: Palm
Format: Decidous/Tree/Fruit
Blooms: n/a
Scripture Reference: John 12:12-13
Botanical Name: Phragmites Australis species
Common Name: Common Reed Grass
Biblical Name: Reed
Format: Root/clump
Blooms: n/a
Scripture Reference: Matthew 27:48, Isaiah 42:3
Botanical Name: Pinus Mugo
Common Name: Mugo Pine
Biblical Name:Stone Pine
Format: Conifer/Tree
Blooms: n/a
Scripture Reference: Isaiah 44:14
Botanical Name: Populus granatum nana
Common Name: Poplar, Willow
Bibilical Name: Willow
Format: Decidous/Tree
Blooms: n/a
Scripture Reference: Isaiah 44:4
Botanical Name: Prunus mandishurica
Common Name: Apricot
Biblical Name:Every Tree (Probable original fruit tree)
Format: Deciduous/Tree/Fruit
Blooms: May
Scripture Reference:Gen.2.9
Botanical Name: Punica granatum
Common Name: "Wonderful" Pomegranate, Dwarf
Biblical Name: Pomegranate
Format: Tender/Deciduous/Fruit
Blooms: Spring/Summer
Scripture Reference: Exodus 39:29
Botanical Name: Ranunculus Asiaticus
Common Name:Crowfoot, Red Butter Cup
Biblical Name: The flower of the grass
Format: Root/Flower
Blooms: May/June
Scripture Reference: 1 Peter 1:24
Botanical Name:Ricinus Communis
Common Name: Castor Bean (oil)
Biblical Name: A bush ( Passing comforts)
Scripture Reference: Jonah 4:6-7
Botanical Name:Rosa Rugosa
Common Name:Rose, Rugosa
Biblical Name: Rosebushes
Format: Root/Hips/Herb
Blooms: Anytime, depending on the kind
Scripture Reference: Wisdom 24:14
Botanical Name: Rubus tridel
Common Name: Bramble, Blackberry
Biblical Name: Bramble
Blooms: July
Scripture Reference: Luke 6:44
Botanical Name: Salvia Officinalis
Common Name: Sage, Dwarf
Biblical Name: (Sage was the model for menorah)
Format: Root/Herb
Blooms: July
Scripture Reference: Ex 37:17-18
Botanical Name: Tamarix Pentendra
Common Name: Odessa, Tamarisk
Biblical Name: Tamarisk Tree
Format: Roots/Shrub
Blooms: June/July
Scripture Reference: Exodus 16:11-12,31
Botanical Name: Thuja Accidentalis
Common Name:Cedar, Arbor Vitae
Bibilical name: Cedar
Blooms: n/a
Scripture Reference: 1Kings 6:15
Botanical Name: Tulipa species
Common Name: Scarlet Mountain Tulip(Red Tulip)
Biblical Name: The Flowers
Format: Bulb/Flower
Blooms: April
Scripture Reference: Song of Solomon 2:12
Botanical Name: Typha Australis Schum et Thonn
Common Name: Cat-Tails, Reed-mace
Biblical Name: Reeds
Format: Bulb/Plant
Blooms: Summer
Scripture Reference: Exodus 2:3
Botanical Name: Vitis Vinifera
Common Name: Grape, Vine
Biblical Name: Vine
Format: Deciduous.vine/Fruit
Blooms: n/a
Scripture Reference: John 15:1-2
By simply planting the plants and herbs mentioned in the Bible you can create your own biblical garden. There are no rules to follow to make this type of garden, as with all gardens, you just go with your heart! If you wish to start small, just start in a small area of your yard, and gradually build up! A Bible garden would include some cereals, as wheat, barley, wild cotton, and grasses that are all mentioned. These provide food and shelter for small birds, for what is any garden with out the birds and the butterflies?
Flowers would include Anenome, Narcissus, Tulip, Star of Bethlehem, Daisy, Linen Flax, Poppy, Lily, Passion flower, Mallow, and Thistles. For Vegetables include Beans, Peas, Onions, Leeks, Garlic, Cucumber. Spices and herbs, Coriander, Dill, Mint, Chicory, Rue, Sage, Black Cumin, and Wormwood.
The water plants, Water Lily, Reeds, Papyrus, and Reed-mace (cat-tail). Melon (watermelon) is often mentioned, and of course the Olive.
Then of course there are the Vines, Grapes and Passion fruit. Fruit and nut trees include Almond, Fig, Bay (laurel), Carob, and Apple. Many scholars agree that the sycamine tree of Luke 17:6 is the black mulberry. Willow and poplar are included, and acacias in the desert areas.
In a Bible garden, labeling of plants is important. The labels might show the name of the plant, and the bible reference. Some of the wild plants mentioned in the bible may now be fairly uncommon, and so may be hard to access. That is all the more reason for trying to secure some seeds, before the plants disappear altogether.
List the plants you will need to acquire. Then all you need to do is gradually obtain the plants as you can find them, label, and incorporate them into your new bible garden and voila you now have a garden from the past.
That is it for today,until next time happy gardening!
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