Wednesday, January 05, 2005


Well hard to believe but Spring seems to be here in the U.K. Buds on trees, Pussy Willows in bloom, not to mentions bulbs like daffodils and muscari springing up. This is very unlike the climate in which I am used to, Spring normally does not come until late March or Early April. It is nice to see, however;by this time next month I will be back in my own country and I am honestly looking really forward to it, even if it is rather cold, it is something I miss.
I am posting a photo I took recently of a beautiful rose in bloom. That is certainly one thing I admire, the roses in the U.K. They are so plentiful and there are so many kinds it actaully would be hard to know each one of them.
I will be posting some tips today and hope they can be useful.

Copywrite Tanya Wallace


Gardener's New Year Resolutions

With the New Year almost here try these resolutions. Order seeds early, sharpen the lawn mower blades before spring, wait until the soil is 60F to plant warm-season vegetables, and spend more time in the garden this year.

Buy Bare-Root Roses

When buying bare-root roses look for a #1-grade label for the best quality and size rose. Select roses with at least 3 strong, firm, plump, green canes, 1/2-inch in diameter, and 15 inches long.

Test Old Seed

If you've old seed do a germination test before ordering new seed. Roll 20 seeds into a moist paper towel and place in a glass jar. After 10 days, check the germination percentage. If less than 70%, order fresh seed.

Be back tomorrow with more tips, that is now a New Years Resolution, my consistancy with this site and my writing.
Happy Gardening.

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