Wednesday, April 28, 2004

This is a list of questions to ask yourself before creating a garden or doing any kind of landscaping for that matter. This can be very helpful if you are looking to begin a new project. It took me quite some time to create this list, it is what I call my landscape needs checklist and that is just exactly what it is.


Hide a foundation, or transform a dull or ugly foundation planting
Soften a wall or fence
Add color under a shade tree
Add interest along the front of a yard
Surround a terrace, patio or deck
Add color to a door yard
Soften the edges of a pool
Beautify a lamp post or mail box
Create a boundary
Hide a unattractive view or element like a utility pole or laundry line
Add splashes of color in the lawn
Fill a bare spot
Create a place to walk in the yard
Beautify a garage or outbuilding
Beautify A garage or outbuilding
Surround a bench, trellis , arbor or bower
Soften the outlines of a raised porch
Give a new home a more finished look
Create a period look for the home
Fill raised beds where vegetables once grew

That is a wrap for today....

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