Thursday, May 20, 2004


This is a list of shrubs that may be helpful when choosing a selection for you yard/landscape. I am going to add photos that I took with each post.This is the crabapple.

Copywrite Tanya W

Shrubs for Shady Areas

Aronia arbutifolia - chokeberry

Forsythia spp. - forsythia

Ilex aquifolium - English holly

Leucothoe fontanesiana - drooping leucothoe

Sarcococca hookerana digyna - sarcococca

Taxus spp. - yew

Tsuga canadensis - hemlock


Shrubs for Part-Shade

Abelia x grandiflora - glossy abelia

Abeliophyllum distichum - white forsythia

Calycanthus floridus - sweet shrub

Camellia japonica - camellia

Clethra alnifolia - sweet pepperbush

Cornus alba - red-twig dogwood

Corylopsis spp. - winter hazel

Daphne x burkwoodii - Burkwood's daphne

Enkianthus campanulatus - enkianthus

Fothergilla major - large fothergilla

Hamamelis spp. - witch hazel

Hibiscus syriacus - rose of Sharon

Hydrangea arborescens - tree hydrangea

Hydrangea aspera - rough-leaved hydrangea

Hydrangea quercifolia - oakleaf hydrangea

Kalmia latifolia - mountain laurel

Kerria japonica - kerria

Magnolia stellata - star magnolia

Pieris spp. - andromeda

Rhododendron spp. - azaleas, rhododendron

Spiraea x Bumalda - spirea

Spiraea x Vanhouttei - bridal wreath

Viburnum spp. - viburnum

That is about it for today....

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