Monday, December 06, 2004

A few helpful tips

(Install Tree Guards)

To protect young trees from hungry mice and rabbits eating their bark, wrap trunks with plastic tree wrap. Wrap the covering around the trunk up about 1 foot off the ground and 2 to 3 inches into the soil. This should do the trick. :)

(Plant an Indoor Herb Garden)

To grow herbs indoors, sow seeds of parsley, oregano, sage, chives, and basil in flats.They should take anywheres from 1-3 weeks to germinate given the species of seed. Once germinated, transplant seedlings into individual clay pots and place them under grow lights. Water and fertilize, with a weak solution, only when very dry.

(Feed Birds)

Most birds such as grosbeaks and nuthatches prefer black oil sunflower seeds in a bird feeder. Ground feeders such as sparrows, and juncoes prefer cracked corn scattered on the ground. Woodpeckers and chickadees appreciate suet hung in a wire basket,however;given my experience of feeding the birds, most seem to love sunflower seeds.

(Protect Miniature Roses)

Many miniature roses are hardy, but still need some winter protection in cold areas. Cover roses with a 2-foot tall, mounded layer of chopped leaves, bark mulch, hay or evergreen boughs. Remove in spring at the first sign of new growth.

(Shield Evergreens)

In cold areas, tender broad-leaved and needled evergreen trees and shrubs may need burlap screens to protect them against prevailing winds and winter sun. Erect wooden frames over small evergreens to prevent snow or ice damage, especially under eaves then wrap with burlap.

Well that is a wrap for today.Hopefully these can be useful...cheers

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