Tuesday, December 14, 2004


Take Care of Houseplants Brought Indoors

Houseplants brought indoors from a summer outside will most likely be exhibiting leaf drop and stress because of the change in light and temperature. Some plants can be cut back to reduce the stress, and others will need some supplemental light as they adjust. Reduce watering and fertilizing on all but continually blooming plants.

Clean Feeders and Birdbaths

Birds are still finishing up remaining natural foods, but be ready for their winter feeding. If you maintain a birdbath, consider adding a heating coil to keep the water open, or a specially designed solar birdbath. Clean your feeders regularly through the winter as well, to keep from spreading disease.When you feed the birds you cannot stop throughout the winter for the mere fact the birds you have fed become reliant on you for food.

Clever Gardening Technique - Using Hedge Shears to Cut Back Perennials

Tired of struggling with the ropey leaves of daylilies, ornamental grasses, and other tough-leaved perennials? Use a well-sharpened pair of hedge shears to make short work of the task. In fall there is no need to be quite as meticulous when cutting out dead foliage, and hand pruners will leave you frustrated and with a sore hand and blisters. Hedge shears are quick, handy and much more conveniant.

That is it for today...

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