Monday, December 13, 2004

More tips

Protect Tree Trunks

Protect trunks of fruit trees and newly planted trees from mice and other critters with commercial tree guards or wrap mesh fencing around the trunks. Put these protections in place before the snow falls so they extend all the way to the base of the trees.

Promote Blooms on Christmas Cactus

A Christmas cactus develops buds when night temperatures are 55 to 60 degrees F. If nights are warmer, place your plant where it receives no light from about 5 p.m. to 8 a.m. (such as in a closet) for 30 days. Move the plant to a sunny location during the day. Many people who grow the Christmas cactus state and will swear by it, that if you give it one childrens aspirin per month, the plants yield twice the amount of blooms. I have seen this with my own eyes and was not only surprised but impressed.

Plant an Indoor Herb Garden

The outdoor gardening season may be over, but indoors you can grow many herbs. Sow seeds of parsley, oregano, sage, chives, and dwarf basil in clay pots. Once they germinate, place them under grow lights and water and fertilize (with a half-strength solution) only when very dry. You'll be rewarded with fresh herbs for your winter cooking.

Control Aphids on Indoor Plants

If you've brought potted plants inside after a summer outdoors, chances are you're now seeing a shiny, sticky substance on the leaves and small black or green aphids on the undersides of the leaves. Sometimes a few dunks in a sink full of soapy water will control them, otherwise spray them with insecticidal soap or horticultural oil. Aphids are very prolific, so check and treat plants frequently. Another affordable trick is to cut up small pieces of yellow paper and cover them in vaseline,put the paper into the infested pots and leave them for roughly 2 days.The aphids will get stuck because of the vaseline. Repeat if nessary.

Well that is it for today....

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